Training Insights Discovery

Strong teams are well balanced with optimum focus and a strong consistency. This needs to develop over time, investing in each other, getting to know each other in good and bad times. This training starts with a personal colour profile for each team member and gives a lot of clarity in everyones personal preferences (in thinking, acting, communicating, decision making etc.) and unique value to the team. From there on together we can make a start with the team effectiveness profile which gives us insights into our achievements as a team. The trainer will facilitate good discussions, assignments and break-outs in order for the team to learn how all the different individual and team preferences and values can influence the dynamics and team performance.
Training Cooperating and Communicating

We focus on some of the most important characteristics of effective teams (openness/vulnerability and feedback) using the theory of the Johari Window and giving and receiving feedback. We believe in practicing role play in small groups (2-3 persons). In consultation with the client we carefully select these groups. In a safe environment the desired feedback is prepared in order to actually take action. Participants reactions: ”In the beginning of the session everyone was low in energy. After the feedback rounds we were all very enthusiastic. This does make a difference!”
Training Shared Values

During this active session colleagues will evaluate on current shared values and brainstorm on desired future ones in their organization. Participants reactions: “I am very much impressed to see the traction that we have created as a group, under your supervision, within half a day. Looking forward to the sequal; thank you so much.” “It was mindblowing last monday. The whole team is enthusiastic. Thanks for your effort and energy to make this a succes. We keep in touch.”
Outsmart Work

High workload, deadlines, a full agenda and a non-stop flow of e-mails.
You're dealing with lots of ad hoc that was initially not on your to do list.You're not able to finish what you had planned. Your inbox has become your manager and it feels like you have no control over your calendar. Don't feel bad. Many people share this feeling. We work hard, get distracted, do not set the right priorities or boundaries and therefor are not able to work effectively nor efficiently. This must change. The Outsmart Work training gives you the feeling to be 'back-in-control’, lowers the feeling of work pressure and makes you more effective and efficient. You simply get more done in less time and spend time on your core activities. 4-6 hours time savings per week!
Training Strategic Team session

Every team needs direction and the drive to strive for shared values. Vision, mission and goals need a support base to be executed. Together with your team we facilitate strategic sessions in which we give room to creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. We end with specific (worked out) plans for the future. A strategic session looks 2-5 years ahead.