Of course we are very proud of everything we are able to do for so many beautiful participants and great clients. Hear what our Smart Clients have to say about us and hopefully we can convince you that we could do this for you and your team as well...
In my leadership role for the Hospital Pharmacy at Zuyderland, I saw my whole department struggling with high workload and an overkill of e-mails. Savvy trained my whole staff. The impact was high!: awareness of our lack of concentrationa and focus, a very pragmatic way of dealing with e-mail, tasklist and agenda, as well as renewing our mutual team agreements, all improving our effectiveness. The various contact moments spread over time combined with 1-on-1 coaching are very valuable and make sure new behavior will stick over time. The 1-on-1 coaching also made it possible to individually identify everybody's personal profit. A recommendation for your team! 'Chapeau' for the Savvy team….
Healthcare, Not for profit and Education

With good Teamtraining Savvy strengthened the foundation of our group of Partners. People opened up, showed vulnerability. The Teamsessions were surprising, clear and leading to specific actions. It gave us more insights in each others motives, our differences and how we can bundle these differences into a complementary and strong team.
Legal profession en Consultancy

I work for a very busy Partner in a large legal firm and my work is very hectic with lots of ad hoc tasks. I started with the Outsmart Work training, which I liked very much. Specifically due to the 1-on-1 coaching I was able to make my steps creating a good overview of my work. After this training I started a new trajectory with the Partner/ Lawyer. Within a few sessions we improved our communication, managed and understood our expectations, in order to improve controlling our workload and feelings of stress. It really improved my working relationship with the Partner/Lawyer.
Legal profession en Consultancy

When I wanted to further develop myself in terms of leadership and personal effectiveness, I consciously chose coaching instead of group training. With an Insights Discovery profile as a starting point I started working with the coach on my development points. You can rightly call this coaching on the job. I notice that the coaching not only gave me more selfknowledge but also made be better able to 'read' other people. This allows me to better manage and motivate my team and individual employees.
Healthcare, Not for profit and Education

The Dimensys Academy asked Savvy for help to facilitate their employees in their personal growth. We've gotten to know the Savvy trainers as very experienced and great professionals who are able to let our people excel. They do this by combining their knowledge of the content with a great deal of personal attention and empathy. The trainers know, within every layer of our organization from consultant to director, how to address and connect the people in the most effective ways. Because of this close, overall involvement they are able to perpetuate the result of their work. Together with Savvy we have been able to make some essential steps in realising our ambitions for HR and L&D.
Legal profession en Consultancy

I've experienced the training as extremely interesting and feel it helps me in my daily working routine. Thanks to this training for the firts time I went into a performance appraisal without any feelings of stress. And with this employee I was able to make big steps into the right direction. It is even the case that for the first time in years he got the rating right on the norm. You guys are very involved and the interaction that follows between peers is very joyfull and makes training not boring at all.
Industry and Logistics

The Practical Leadership Training inspired me and gave me new insights on how to work joyfully and in a positive way with my subordinates, colleagues and manager. The 1-on-1 coaching provided me with inspirational insights in my own behavior and the impact of it. Because of this I was able to show new behavior with surprising results within the team. The workshops were fascinating, interactive and fun to do as a group. The exchange of experience and best practices with my fellow teamleads was very educational.
Industry and Logistics

The training Outsmart Work gave consists of very interactive workshops that are completely tuned to practice with space to share experiences with each other. We attended with a group of colleagues and were able to share a lot togehther. Some of the sessions were intensive, but very educational. During the 1-on1 coaching I immediately received very practical guidelines for a better grip on my work and my surroundings. The talks with the trainer/coach felt safe and familiar. She listened sincerely and gave me enough space to share what I wanted to share, for me to set my own boundaries, while also refelcting with me on my role. During the last worksop we practiced Leary's Rose: That gave me such great insights!
Legal profession en Consultancy

Planning and creating an overview were not my strongest points and going along it really started to bother me. When I started a personal trajectory at Savvy, right after the first session I felt: This is going to work! It immediately makes you happy, the system is very applicable and immediately provides an overview. The second time we optimised the working system and treated all my further personal needs. Furthemore we paid attention to additional points that I wanted to improve at work. The cooperation with my subordinate and the contact with my business partners. The hands-on advices I received, were very supportive and effective. With pleasure I look back on these sessions.
Legal profession en Consultancy

The interactive group sessions were followed-up by assignments and one to one sessions with our trainer. One to ones enabled me to discover specific areas of improvement and receive tailor made counseling adapted to my current job and personal needs. The training program is full of effective working methodology and tips as well as changing one’s mindset of setting priorities, dealing with pressure and having a healthy work-life balance that one can benefit from through the entire career journey. The trainer knows how to analyse and decode ones professional and personal needs that helped me a lot to calm down and look from a different perspective to my day to day challenges .
Industry and Logistics

The Savvy trainer already helped several colleagues with all expertise and enthusiasm in the search for an improved work/life balance. During this training you will be taken a step forward in both working smarter and more efficiently and in thinking in opportunities to reduce the workload. The trainer is involved, detects blind spots and always has an eye for practical applicability. The awareness created by this training has saved time and provided more work structure. This training is an added value for every company!
Healthcare, Not for profit and Education

The members of our international team are located in various situations, several professions and in different social contexts, but they have this aspect in common: they want change and are willing to do their part to exploit their potential. Savvy has provided various training courses for Lindsay, such as; Effective Communication, Outsmart Work and Insights Discovery. Trainers are warm, human, but also spicy and energetic. The Insights Discovery model connects the theory with something really practical, what you can do and what you feel. We are looking forward to a refresh training to experience the multiple levels and the multiple themes this course offers.
Industry and Logistics

When, as an organisation, you are headed to a new dot on the horizon, it is of the utmost importance to do this with everyone involved. Together with Savvy we worked on changing behaviors around personal effectiveness and growth for everyone within the company. The Savvy trainers are very much involved, knowledgeable and their appearance is energetic and stimulating. Due to the personal attention and the translation from theory to practice, as a company, we made our steps towards operational excellence.
Industry and Logistics